Estimated Rates of Hospital Readmissions within 180 Days for U.S. Seniors after Major Surgery

  1. 27.6% overall rate of readmissions within 180 days
  2. 36.9% for persons who were frail
  3. 39.0% for those with probable dementia
  4. 45.8% for those undergoing vascular surgery
  5. 36.8% for those 90 years old or older
Notes: A population-based cohort study of 1,477 community-living persons aged 65 and older, using data from the National Health and Aging Trends Study (NHATS), linked to records from the CMS. There were 52 deaths without readmission (2.3%) among the cohort during the study period.

Source: National Estimates of Short- and Longer-Term Hospital Readmissions After Major Surgery Among Community-Living Older Adults,JAMA Network Open, February 28, 2024 -